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    What Causes Abdominal Hardening and Shortness of Breath During Pregnancy? Is It Normal?

    The gradual growth of the uterus, the development of the baby's skeleton and the so-called pseudo-contractions experienced in the last months of pregnancy are the main reasons for what we call abdominal hardening during pregnancy. Questions such as why does this happen or is this normal are asked a lot. We can list many factors as the causes of abdominal hardening.
      However, eating more than you need or suffering from constipation can cause abdominal stiffness during pregnancy. Eating without chewing much, eating quickly and eating more than normal creates tension in the stomach area. There are several reasons why the mother's abdomen may begin to harden and stretch, especially in the second trimester of pregnancy, at week 21.
      Causes of Abdominal Hardness During Pregnancy
      The baby, which has been growing day by day since the beginning of pregnancy, forces the uterus to grow and expand. This pressure is the most important reason why the abdominal area becomes harder and tighter during pregnancy. The developing skeleton of the baby begins to harden and form in the womb. This is another reason why the mother's belly becomes hard during pregnancy. Suggestions for dealing with these situations need to be looked at.
      This situation causes the abdomen to harden as you progress through pregnancy. Every body is different and the body type of a pregnant woman varies. For example, women who are very underweight during pregnancy may experience abdominal hardness in the first few months, while overweight expectant mothers may feel it more strongly in the last three months of pregnancy. This situation also triggers constipation. False contractions affect the abdominal area.
      What to Do in Case of Shortness of Breath and Abdominal Hardening
      In such cases, you should be careful that the food you eat does not affect you negatively. You may find relief when you change your position, move around, and drink plenty of fluids. Changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, the growth of the uterus with the growing baby, and the pressure it puts on other organs and the respiratory system due to changes in hormones may cause symptoms of shortness of breath.
      When it comes to the questions of what is good for getting rid of shortness of breath or how to get rid of it, we can say what should be done in such cases. Your baby's movements may cause a sudden feeling of shortness of breath. What is good for this situation is that changing positions while lying or sitting can help you relax. For this reason, you can choose relaxing herbal teas as a herbal solution. However, you should not forget to do breathing exercises.

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