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    How to Get Rid of Edema During Pregnancy? What are the natural herbal solutions that reduce edema and induce expectoration during pregnancy?

    Swelling occurs due to excessive fluid accumulation in some tissues, edema is the general name of this condition. This condition usually occurs in the legs and arms. Sometimes it can also affect the whole body. It may cause edema during pregnancy, as it may be caused by the medications used. First of all, you need to go to a doctor's check-up.
      Edema During Pregnancy
      The volume of blood circulating in the body of pregnant women will increase compared to normal due to hormones. This will cause the veins to dilate, which will cause edema in the pregnant woman. At the same time, excess weight gained during pregnancy may cause this edema, while hormones that occur during pregnancy may also cause this edema. Rapid weight gain, irregular nutrition, low protein intake and excessive salt consumption may also cause edema in pregnant women. However, this should not cause concern for expectant mothers; it will not cause any harm to the baby thanks to the doctor's supervision. As additional information, multiple pregnancy can also cause edema while pregnant. You should not stand for long periods of time during pregnancy. Edema does not occur at the beginning of pregnancy, but generally occurs after you start gaining weight, that is, in the later stages. Pregnant woman has edema in her body; He can tell when his shoes get tight and his feet and hands start to swell.
      Herbal Solutions for Increasing Edema and Helping Expectorants During Pregnancy
      During pregnancy, headache and abdominal pain occur along with edema, and this should be prevented. First of all, you can try to prevent the problem by resting and trying not to stay up. Again, just like everything else, exercise will also have benefits. It is necessary to pay attention to nutrition, low protein products should be consumed. Especially during these periods, natural and organic nutrition should be consumed. As examples of these; Probiotic yoghurts, fresh pineapple and pineapple juice are the main edema relievers. Green stem foods such as parsley and celery are the most well-known edema-relieving foods among the public.
      Apart from these; Chamomile tea will help you cope with edema by facilitating your digestion, fennel by preventing gas formation, green tea by balancing your blood circulation, linden by regulating your immune system, ginger by regulating your nausea, and rosehip by keeping the body's resistance high. It is said among the public that these herbal teas cause miscarriage by allowing the uterus to relax. While this will vary from person to person, there are pregnancies in which it will be beneficial, so since you do not know your body structure, it should still be consumed after consulting a doctor.

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