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    What is Episiotomy? Why?

    Episiotomy, called birth stitch, is the fearful dream of many mothers. Stitches on maternity before and after childbirth can aggravate mothers. However, episiotomy is not as scary as it is thought. After talking to your doctor and assessing your condition, you can have episiotomy if conditions are appropriate. So, what is episiotomy? How is Episiotomy performed? In what circumstances is episiotomy performed? Why is episiotomy done? Can we give birth without episiotomy? Is pain felt during episiotomy? We explained the answer to all these questions in our news. Here is all the information about episiotomy ....

    What is Episiotomy?
    Episiotomy is a surgical incision made to the perineal area in order to facilitate the growth of vaginal patency and to facilitate delivery before delivery of the baby's head during delivery. That is, as the baby's head passes through the birth canal, the perineal region can be torn because of excessive tension. In order to prevent tearing in these areas, a cleft from the vagina to the rectum opens during delivery and this is called episiotomy. This slit may be in the form of a midline towards the rectum or cut to the side. When the baby is born, it is closed separately with absorbable sutures that need not be taken after heal. Episiotomy can be performed for most of the women who will give birth for the first time. If the second or third birth of the mother, 50% of the births are incised.

    How is Episiotomy performed?

    In the episiotomy incision, local anesthesia and episiotomy will be performed. When the perineal region is sensitive, an incision is applied to the lower part of the vagina. After the birth of this exact suturing is done. It takes a short time to heal after this, and the sutures will dissolve by themselves. Therefore, the perineal area should be kept clean and hygiene should be given attention after sewing.

    Problems such as pain and pain in the area due to episiotomy are expected. It is necessary to show an extra diligence against problems such as infection. Episiotomy will take several weeks to heal. If you do not improve for a longer period of time, you should consult your doctor.

    Some obstetricians do not support episiotomy. They think that birth should be completely natural and should not be intervened. However, episiotomy may be necessary in some cases. Therefore, your doctor will decide on your condition at the time of birth.

    What is Episiotomy?
    Some conditions should be established for episiotomy. These terms and conditions are:
    The baby's breech presentation,
    The baby's head is bigger,
    Episiotomy should be performed if the baby is premature.
    In addition, if the expectation is not sufficient,
    Episiotomy is performed if the perineal area is sensitive and there is a risk of rupture.
    Thanks to episiotomy, straining becomes shorter and labor is easier.
    Why is Episiotomy performed?
    The main goal of episiotomy can be ruptured as the perineal region of the baby's head is exaggerated. For this reason, episiotomy is applied to prevent tearing. Another aim of this determination is to prevent excessive stretching of the perineal muscles and to minimize the risk for future aesthetic and structural problems.

    These Structural Disorders?
    Bladder sagging,
    Uterus is the sagging.
    Can he do a birth without an episiotomy?
    Those who don't give birth without an episiotomy. Not all obstetricians support episiotomy. However, the necessity of routine episiotomy is usually clarified during normal delivery when the baby's head is in the vagina.

    Pain is felt during episiotomy?
    Episiotomy is the most painful part of the birth experience and may cause some diseases while healing. One of the most common problems after episiotomy is pain. It is possible to relieve these pain with painkillers. It can also be very useful to use anesthetic drugs in the form of ice or spray. In some cases, you may feel these pains very intense. Blood can accumulate in the region as the arteries remain open when the episiotomy sutures are removed. For the treatment of this, the birth incision must be reopened, the vessel is fixed again and the area is closed.


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