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    Can You Lose Weight During Pregnancy? What Should Be Done to Lose Weight During Pregnancy and Avoid Gaining More Weight?

    Controlling your weight during pregnancy and losing weight if necessary with healthy and correct nutrition methods is also an observable situation. During this process, if the person was at a normal weight before becoming pregnant, gaining an average of ten to seventeen kilos can be considered normal. Weight gain is less in the first three months. However, more weight gain occurs in the next six months.
      Losing weight during pregnancy is not recommended as it may cause adverse effects on the health of the mother and baby. However, conditions such as morning fatigue, nausea and vomiting seen in pregnant women in the first weeks can cause loss of appetite.
      You Can Control Your Weight by Eating Healthy During Pregnancy
      The symptoms experienced during this period, which vary from person to person, may cause the pregnant woman to lose weight. However, there are some rules that must be followed to prevent excessive weight gain during pregnancy and to ensure the right amount of weight gain. Unless your dietician recommends it, you should not try to lose weight on your own if there is no danger to the health of the mother or baby.
      If you suspect that you have gained a little too much weight during pregnancy and think that you cannot cope with this situation, it may be good to seek professional help to avoid gaining weight and to protect the baby's health and development. In order to avoid gaining more weight than normal during this pregnancy, daily calorie intake should be monitored and excess calories should not be consumed.
      Diets That May Threaten Mother and Baby Health Should Not Be Followed
      Prepackaged, unnatural and excessively fatty foods containing sugar should be avoided. It is also beneficial to stay away from caffeine and raw seafood. Eating small amounts in small portions and slow chewing techniques will make digestion of food easier and a feeling of satiety provided. This will also help you not gain weight. In this way, it is also beneficial for the baby's development and health.
      You should not add high-calorie foods, sugar and foods containing more than normal animal fat to your daily diet. Choosing healthy snacks consisting of nuts and fruits will help you not gain weight. At the same time, you can control your weight by doing exercises that will not tire you out during pregnancy.

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