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    Can a Woman in Menopause Get Pregnant? What Are the Symptoms of Pregnancy in Menopause?

    Motherhood is a happy feeling that every woman wants to experience. The pregnancy process is a process that the mother-to-be should go through happily and healthily. There are certain issues that are necessary to get pregnant.

    What is Menopause?

    The literal meaning of menopause is the last menstrual bleeding. Menopause is a natural part of women's aging. The period when women's menstrual bleeding stops and ovulation ends is called menopause. One of the questions that women are most curious about is whether it is possible to get pregnant after menopause. Since the end of ovulation is known as the results of menopause, the question of whether it is possible to get pregnant during menopause is a common question. The menopause process can last up to 5 months or up to 5 years. The average age of entering menopause is 51.

    Can a Woman Entering Menopause Get Pregnant?

    The period between 5 and 6 months after the start of menopause is not considered menopause. There is a small chance of pregnancy during this 5-6 month period. However, since the ovulation function ends during menopause, it is not possible to get pregnant. The reason for this is that there are not enough eggs to fertilize.

    What are the Pregnancy Symptoms in Menopause?

    Menopause does not fully begin during the first year after menopause. During this period, the person has a very small chance of having a baby, but there is. Some symptoms experienced during pregnancy are confused with the symptoms experienced during menopause. Even when pregnant, the person does not think that they are pregnant because they think they are in menopause. There are certain symptoms experienced during pregnancy. In menopause, pregnancy symptoms; nausea, emotionality, discharge, weight gain, fatigue, headache and similar situations are menopause symptoms and pregnancy symptoms.

    What are the Symptoms of Menopause?

    Sleep Disorder

    Sudden irritability

    Hot flushes

    Sweating, especially night sweats

    Weight Gain

    Feeling Bloated

    Difficulty Concentrating

    Irregular Menstrual Bleeding

    Feeling like you are in a stressful situation



    A tired body is a symptom of menopause.

    How is Menopause Diagnosed?

    Women who have infrequent menstrual periods, hot flushes, palpitations and similar symptoms should see a doctor on the third day of their menstrual period. Tests performed on the third day of menstruation reveal whether menopause is present or not. When menopause occurs at a very early age, certain treatments are applied.

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