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    What Are the Cures for Getting Pregnant? Cure Recipes That Make Pregnancy Easier

    Pregnancy is the process that a healthy woman goes through to have a baby. It is a 9-month process that changes the female organs of the fetus, which is formed by the fertilization of the ovaries in the uterus by the male sperm, and women may even experience some emotional changes due to hormonal changes during pregnancy.

    Getting Pregnant

    As it is known, healthy nutrition is important during pregnancy, and we should also eat healthy to get pregnant. Every healthy individual wants to be a mother and father, to be a family. For this, there should be no health problems. This woman who wants to get pregnant should first pay attention to her diet and should not consume harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol.

    She should definitely avoid these, especially while she is pregnant. Many women who want to get pregnant fail in their first attempts. These women should not panic immediately and should go to a doctor if they have not conceived after regular intercourse for at least 1 year. If a planned pregnancy has not occurred for at least 1 year and no problems are found in health tests, expectant mothers resort to herbal methods. This lack of health problem is called infertility (unexplained infertility) in medicine.

    What are the Cures for Getting Pregnant?

    Onion Cure: It is the most well-known cure among the public and is also recommended by most specialist doctors. Onion cure; It is created by cutting an onion (must be a brown onion) into four, putting it in a pot with 1 glass of water and boiling it. After the water boils, it is brewed for 15 minutes and drunk. It is started on the day the menstruation ends and consumed on an empty stomach twice a day for 14 days. This cure is the cure that those who want to have a baby drink the most and since onion also has antibiotic properties, it does not cause any harm.

    Carrot Cure: 2-3 medium-sized carrots and 2 glasses of water are needed for the carrot cure. Carrots are boiled in water and brewed. Then it is waited for it to cool. It is drunk on an empty stomach in the morning. Carrot cure does not have a duration. You can consume it whenever you want, at least 15 days a month, it will not cause any harm during your menstrual period.

    Fig Cure: You can prepare the fig cure with the same process as the carrot cure. And you can also prepare the carrot cure and the fig cure together, fill a jar and consume it continuously.

    Lion's Claw Cure: Lion's Claw cure is a lesser known cure among the public but still very useful for getting pregnant. You can find lion's claw from herbalists. 1 pinch is boiled in half a liter of water, brewed, and drunk fresh for 1 month.

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