The cells in the breast duct begin to grow with the stimulation of the estrogen hormone. This situation causes the secretion of prolactin hormone. The prolactin hormone triggers the breast to grow and produce milk. Another hormone, progesterone, supports the formation and growth of milk-making cells in the mammary glands. Levels of estrogen and progesterone hormones begin to decrease after birth. The level of prolactin hormone increases, allowing lactation to occur.
Change in Breasts During Pregnancy
It is inevitable that the breasts will undergo some changes during pregnancy and after birth. Breast changes often begin in pregnant women before they have progressed enough for a pregnancy test to be positive. We can list the changes experienced during this pregnancy as follows:
Chest begins to swell
Tenderness at the tip of the breasts
Feeling of heaviness or fullness in the breasts
Changes in the First Third Period
During the first trimester, your pregnant woman's body's blood volume begins to increase. Because this is mandatory for the needs of the growing fetus. This can cause the veins in a woman's breasts to enlarge while they are pregnant, turning bluer and more visible. Therefore, the size of the breasts continues to increase during pregnancy. Thus, nipple sensitivity will occur during pregnancy. However, this sensitivity disappears as the body adapts to hormonal changes.
Changes in the Second Third Period
During the second trimester, estrogen hormone levels will continue to increase. As the milk ducts develop, the breasts will continue to feel heavy or full. In the first weeks of this period, the breasts will begin to produce colostrum. Colostrum is the first form of milk formation in the mother. Colostrum formation may not be noticed. During this formation, breast milk may leak. It is useful to check whether colostrum is formed. However, it is necessary to avoid stimulating the nipple too much for control purposes. Because it can trigger premature birth.
Changes in the Third Third Period
As the body prepares for birth, the feeling of heaviness and fullness in the breasts will increase even more. Nipples will grow and become more prominent. On the other hand, it may even be possible for them to change shape. Women waiting for birth overcome all these situations with longing for a baby. Itching and drying may occur due to the stretching of the skin as a result of the growth of the breasts. In this case, using a moisturizer is the best solution. On the other hand, the formation of cracks can also be observed.