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    How to Treat Heartburn During Pregnancy, What's Good for It? Herbal and Natural Solution Suggestions for Rancidity

    Questions such as whether heartburn, also known as heartburn, is normal during pregnancy are wondered by many people in terms of baby health. These are very common problems. Heartburn experienced during this period is generally caused by the hormones secreted during pregnancy and the pressure of the baby in the mother's womb.

     One of the causes of heartburn is progesterone, one of the hormones secreted during pregnancy, which slows down the metabolism. Then the food mixes with the blood and stomach emptying is delayed. As a result, heartburn problems occur during pregnancy. Thus, when you are pregnant, the muscle slows down and causes the muscle called the stomach valve to weaken.

     Heartburn is Very Common During Pregnancy

     Due to abnormally working muscles, acid leaks into the esophagus during pregnancy, causing problems such as burning and acidification in the stomach. Since such situations are very common in pregnant women, questions such as how to get rid of heartburn or what to do to feel better during pregnancy when heartburn occurs are frequently asked.

     The answer to the question of what causes heartburn is mostly related to the ability to digest the food eaten. There are some foods that are not recommended to be eaten when suffering from heartburn. This should also be observed during pregnancy. For example, fried foods, hot, sour, spicy, etc. Foods should not be eaten. Similarly, the same precautions should be taken for such foods during pregnancy.

     You Should Be Careful About the Foods Eaten to Reduce Heartburn

     Warm milk should be used first as something that is good for heartburn, which is common during pregnancy. Because warm milk has a heartburn-reducing effect. There are also various herbal solution suggestions. Fibrous foods are good for heartburn during pregnancy. When asked what relieves heartburn or what is good for it, we can say eating slowly and staying away from heavy foods.

     Lifestyle changes associated with heartburn during pregnancy can significantly reduce the burning sensation. It is recommended to eat foods little but often and carefully. If the heartburn problem persists and makes daily life difficult, it is important to consult a doctor about various treatments and not to unconsciously use over-the-counter medications.

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