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    How to Treat Bloating and Gas During Pregnancy? How Long Does the Feeling of Stomach Stones Last During Pregnancy?

    Every woman wants to be a mother when the time comes. However, being a mother is not that easy. You carry your baby in your belly for 9 months and you experience different difficulties and troubles during each period of pregnancy from beginning to end. You may experience nausea and heartburn in the first months, and later on, the baby becomes heavier and you may experience difficulty carrying it, difficulty moving due to the weight gained, and similar problems. However, despite all these difficulties, being a mother is a wonderful feeling that every woman wants.

    How to Treat Bloating and Gas During Pregnancy?

    One of the problems that expectant mothers experience during pregnancy is bloating and gas. So is it normal to experience gas pain while pregnant? Why do pregnant women experience gas pain and how do they get rid of it? The short answer to all these curious questions is as follows.

    What Causes Gas Pain During Pregnancy?

    Not every pregnant woman experiences gas pain. This situation varies from person to person. However, what should be done if you have a gas problem? You can minimize this situation by using the methods listed below.

    What is Good for Gas Pain?

    What is Good for Gas Pain? The answer to the question is briefly as follows:

    1- First of all, stay away from gas-causing foods and drinks.

    2- Herbal solutions or things that are good for gas pain are; consuming plenty of fluids and eating slowly, chewing food well while eating.

    3- Excessively fatty and fried foods cause gas because they are difficult to digest. For this reason; avoid consuming these foods while pregnant.

    4- Avoid wearing tight clothes throughout your pregnancy until this situation you are experiencing passes.

    5- What should you do when you experience gas pain? When you encounter this problem, lift your feet up, lie down and distribute the pressure that the baby is putting on your belly in this way.

    The above methods can be given as an answer to the question of what relieves gas pain.

    How Long Does the Feeling of Stones in the Stomach Last During Pregnancy?

    Women may also experience the feeling of stones in the stomach during pregnancy. If there are those who wonder why this happens, the reasons for this are similar to the gas pains mentioned above. In fact, these two are similar situations and it is enough to use the same methods to relieve them.

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