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    What Is Good For Cough During Pregnancy? Natural Herbal Recommendations for Cough and Sputum During Pregnancy

    Expectant mothers experience many different problems while pregnant. Due to hormonal changes and baby development during pregnancy, many problems are experienced in the expectant mother. It is wondered whether the problems experienced during pregnancy are normal or not. One of the problems experienced during pregnancy is cough. It is neither good for cough nor what should be done as a herbal solution for cough.


      What Causes Cough During Pregnancy?


      Cough during pregnancy is a troubling issue in many parts of life, from sleep patterns to nutritional status. This condition, which is usually related to the immune system, causes coughing for many reasons, including viral infections. Pregnancy flu, weak immunity, reflux, allergies, asthma, air pollution are the causes of cough during pregnancy. Cough is a very important problem in expectant mothers.


      What Is Good For Cough During Pregnancy?


      Among the things that are good for cough during pregnancy, drinking hot soup and drinking herbal teas recommended by the doctor are very useful. Tea drunk with boiling dried fruits is very beneficial for the question of how to get rid of cough. Drinking honey mixed with warm milk helps to pass the cough.


      Natural Herbal Recommendations for Cough and Sputum During Pregnancy


      Ginger, lemon, and peppermint tea can help relieve coughing. It both opens the airways and removes phlegm. For cough and phlegm problems during pregnancy, 7 or 8 carobs are thrown into half a liter of water. Drinking this mixture warm after boiling it will remove phlegm.

      For cough, ginger, apple peel, linden and cinnamon are added to the boiled water of the expectant mother. Add lemon and honey. Especially when the tea is fresh, it is better to consume it warm. Eating the quince fruit itself or boiling the peels in boiling water is a fruit that has the effect of softening the throat and chest.

    Adding 1 teaspoon of black cumin to a half tea glass of molasses and eating it is very good for cough. It is very beneficial to eat a spoonful a day. Boiling the peels of the pear fruit and consuming it warm is good for cough and expectorant. If a drop or two of lemon is added to a spoonful of olive oil and drunk, it is good for cough.

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