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    What Causes Stomach Pain, Diarrhea and Bloating During Pregnancy, How Does It Go? Solutions for Indigestion Feeling…

    What Causes Stomach Pain, Diarrhea And Bloating During Pregnancy, How Does It Go? Solutions for Indigestion Feeling…

    While expectant mothers experience the joy of being pregnant, they also experience the discomforts that occur with pregnancy. Changing hormones during pregnancy and baby development day by day cause many discomforts. Expectant mothers often ask the questions whether nausea during pregnancy is normal and what is good. Usually, they tend to go away with herbal solution, since the use of drugs is quite inconvenient, except for the doctor's recommendation.


     What Causes Stomach Pain, Diarrhea and Bloating During Pregnancy, How Does It Go?


     Nausea, diarrhea and bloating are among the most common problems faced by expectant mothers during pregnancy. The most obvious reason for nausea in the pregnant mother is the pressure of the uterus and the baby on the stomach day by day. Generally, nausea is considered normal. In response to the question of what causes nausea, it is recommended to consume foods and beverages such as bananas, boiled potatoes, and unsalted buttermilk.


     Nausea and diarrhea are a common problem. Among the causes of diarrhea, stress and excitement experienced with pregnancy, as well as dietary changes are among the causes of diarrhea. However, it is useful to consult a doctor because of the possibility of experiencing a prolonged and excessive diarrhea problem that may harm the mother. Bloating and indigestion are sine qua non of problems experienced during pregnancy. The biggest reason for this is the pressure of the growing uterus on the intestines and stomach. In response to the question of what is good for bloating, it is recommended to walk outdoors, drink soda, be insulted after a meal, and do plenty of exercise. Especially regular and adequate nutrition, reducing the consumption of sugary and fatty foods are considered good things.


     Solutions for Indigestion

     Indigestion during pregnancy causes discomfort, bloating, pain, burning and nausea to the mother. As an advice to the question of how indigestion goes through during pregnancy, it is recommended to eat small but frequent meals, to consume at least 10 glasses of water a day, to reduce coffee consumption, and not to eat foods with excess oil and spices. As an answer to the question of what to do to relieve indigestion, red plum is a fruit that is good for indigestion during pregnancy.


     What Is Good For Diarrhea During Pregnancy?


     It is very important for the expectant mother to consume plenty of fluids. Provided that the doctor is consulted, chamomile tea is good for diarrhea.

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