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    What Should Be Considered During Pregnancy? Substance Substance Pregnancy ...

    The pregnancy process is a very difficult process that needs attention. Many situations before pregnancy cannot be done while pregnant. For mother and baby development, attention should be paid to nutrition and movement.


     What Should Be Considered During Pregnancy?


     The development of the baby's organs in the mother's womb is usually completed within the 12th week. For this reason, the first trimester up to the 12th week is considered the most sensitive and dangerous period of pregnancy. In this process, the baby is very open to all external factors.

    During pregnancy, plenty of rest should be given importance.

    Pregnant mothers should not lift heavy.

    It should be paid attention to regular nutrition during pregnancy. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals should be consumed.

    Sugary and salty food consumption should be minimized during pregnancy.

    Sleeping position is very important. The mother should sleep in the same way she is comfortable before the seventh month. However, after the seventh month, care should be taken to lie down on the left side. The reason is that it is more comfortable for the blood to return to the heart. The pressure on the main artery, namely the aorta, is reduced. Otherwise, it may cause the mother's breath to constrict due to the pressure of the baby.

    Hot water causes the mother's veins to dilate. For this reason, it should not be found in places such as hot baths and saunas. Warm bath is ideal.

    It should be paid attention to walking and exercising regularly. Exercising regularly minimizes sleep problems.

    The ideal weight gain during pregnancy is 9 kilograms. Weight gain of more than nine pounds can cause some problems. It is useful to pay attention to weight gain.

    Traveling by bus is not recommended for expectant mothers. It will be beneficial to turn to other alternatives as their movement areas will be limited.

    Substance Substance Things To Do During Pregnancy

    Hair should not be dyed.

    Smoking and alcohol use should be minimized and care should be taken not to use them at all.

    Medication should not be taken without consulting a doctor.

    Pasteurized milk and dairy products should be preferred during pregnancy. A substance found in unpasteurized dairy products causes premature birth.

    Consumption of raw meat products such as salami, sausage and delicatessen should be minimized.

    Care should be taken in jobs requiring heavy workload or cleaning jobs.

    One should stay away from sports that are likely to get hit to the abdomen.

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