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    Nutrition Suggestions During Pregnancy: Week by Week Nutrition List (Program)

    Pregnancy; It is a process that lasts for nine months, full of surprises for the expectant mother and father and eagerly awaited to receive their babies. Because maternal and baby health is at the forefront when you are pregnant, many habits that have taken place in normal life are abandoned or you have to change your routines. Pregnancy is a very important process. Every movement and all foods consumed during pregnancy have a positive or negative effect on the development of the baby.


     Importance of Nutrition in Pregnancy


     Every food consumed by the expectant mother affects the growth and mental development of the baby. Balanced nutrition of the expectant mother has a lot of interest in the development of the baby's organs, especially the heart. In this process, the mother-to-be's diet rich in calcium, iron and potassium helps prevent many health problems. 1 bowl of yogurt consumed every day contributes to the development of the bones of the baby and plays an important role in supporting the heart health with calcium support. Every food consumed by the expectant mother directly affects the development of the baby.


     Regular and balanced nutrition is very important during pregnancy. Another important issue in pregnancy is folic acid. Especially expectant mothers start taking folic acid with the doctor's recommendation before pregnancy. In this process, it is important to consume foods rich in folic acid. The bad nutritional habits that babies are exposed to since their mother's womb have a negative effect on the occurrence of obesity, cholesterol and high blood pressure as well as heart diseases at an earlier age. For this, a healthy diet is very important.


     Nutrition Recommendations During Pregnancy: Week by Week Nutrition List (Program)


     Prospective mothers should definitely take their protein, carbohydrate, mineral and fat needs in a balanced way in their daily nutrition program. During pregnancy, only protein, only fat or only mineral-based nutrition will be a harmful and dangerous diet for both baby and mother's health.

    ● 4th Week: Milk, cheese and eggs should be consumed at breakfast. Vegetable or chicken can be eaten for lunch. Drinking plenty of liquid at snacks and yogurt can be eaten. Meat or chicken can be eaten if it is not eaten at noon for dinner.

    ● 8. Week: Milk, cheese and eggs should be consumed regularly for breakfast. Vegetable and meat dishes should be consumed in sufficient amounts for lunch and dinner.

    ● Week 12: Low-fat milk should be preferred. Vegetable soup or meat meal should be preferred for lunch and dinner.

    ● 16. Week: Well-cooked eggs and low-fat milk should definitely be present at breakfast. Low-fat salad should be preferred for lunch. Protein should be included as meat or chicken for dinner.

    ● 20th Week: For breakfast, choose 2 or 3 fat-free olives, matchbox-sized low-fat cheese and well-cooked eggs.

    ● 24th Week: Fruit juice or milk, butter and cheese can be consumed at breakfast. Protein should be a must for dinner. Fruit and plenty of water should be consumed with snacks.

    ● 28th Week: One teaspoon of jam or molasses, fruit juice or milk should be consumed at breakfast. In this process, abundant fluid consumption should be included.

    ● 32nd Week: Legumes or rice can be preferred for lunch. Meat can be consumed with tarhana or tomato soup for dinner.

    ● 36th Week: You can drink fruit juice or milk at breakfast. 1 teaspoon of jam and matchbox-sized cheese can be eaten. Legumes and salads can be eaten for lunch. Consumption of fruit or yogurt with snacks is very important. Protein must be included in the dinner.

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