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    How Does Headache Goes During Pregnancy, What Is Good? Causes Headache During Pregnancy, What Is The Solution?

    Pregnancy is a very exciting process, especially for women who are going to become mothers for the first time. During this pregnancy, expectant mothers may experience some health problems due to hormonal changes. Most of these occur in every pregnant woman, and this is the answer to the question whether health problems during pregnancy are normal. At the same time, it is okay for the baby.


     One of these problems is nausea during pregnancy. The reasons for these nausea and vomiting are not fully known. Expectant mothers cause nausea, they constantly investigate, but although it is not certain, changing hormones, anxiety and stress are the main causes of nausea. The things that are good for these nausea are first of all, a balanced diet and avoiding high fat foods.


     One of the other problems is breasts that grow day by day and start to cause pain while pregnant. This situation is very challenging for the pregnant woman. Mothers who wonder how this chest pain goes away have to suffer this pain until they give birth. Because the only reason for these pains is related to the formation of milk hormones.


     Another problem that occurs during pregnancy and is the most common problem is headache. This headache

     Let's examine the questions of why it is good, what is good and how it passes in detail in our subtitles.


     Causes Headaches During Pregnancy?


     Actually, pregnancy headache is a sign of pregnancy. This process will continue in the first 3 months of pregnancy. The main causes of headache during pregnancy; Hormone changes in the body are an increase in blood volume. However, experts state that these headaches in the first three months are normal. This dizziness may be accompanied by sweating, vomiting and nausea. In addition, edema in the body during pregnancy causes headache and this shows that the expectant mother should consume too much water. Apart from this, excess weight gained during pregnancy can cause headache.


     What Is Good For Headaches During Pregnancy?


     One of the most curious issues of expectant mothers has been the issues of what causes headache and what to do for these pains. First of all, the pregnant woman should consume plenty of water to relieve her headache.


     It is good for headaches during pregnancy walking in the fresh air. If the pregnant woman has sinusitis, also in this case; It should keep warm towels around the eyes and nose. Taking a warm shower or resting in a room with the lights off will also help with headaches. Apart from that, experts for pregnant women with headache; They warned to stay away from fatty and very salty foods and not to skip meals in meals.


     How Should Be Headache Treatment During Pregnancy?

    Generally, mothers look for treatment methods for headaches. If it is unbearable and brings such difficulties in the daily life of the expectant mother, medical intervention is needed. Because drug consumption is not recommended during pregnancy, so pregnant women should never consume painkillers without the control of a doctor. The doctor should be examined, the necessary tests should be done, and the painkillers recommended by the doctor that will not harm pregnancy should be used. If the pain is still not relieved, the conditions caused by these pains should be examined.


     Herbal Remedy for Headache During Pregnancy


     As with all health problems, there is a herbal solution for pregnant women who do not want to consume medication for headaches. These herbal solutions;

    ● You can use peppermint, lavender or basil oil. When you massage your head with these oils, both their ingredients and their fragrances will be very good for your headache.

    ● If you use flax seeds in your food, Omega 3 will show an effect and your headache will go away.

    ● You can consume herbal teas, but not too much.

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