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    When Do Pregnancy Symptoms First Begin? What are the Traditional Pregnancy Symptoms? First Week, First Month Symptoms ...

    Delayed menstrual bleeding is not seen as a sign of pregnancy alone. Therefore, in order for a delayed period to be considered as a pregnancy symptom, it should be accompanied by other pregnancy symptoms and the delay should be at least one week. The first signs of pregnancy differ from person to person, so a pregnancy test should be done.


     The earliest process to understand pregnancy is the fourteenth day after intercourse. During this time, by checking the blood test and having a beta HCG test, the person can know exactly whether he is pregnant or not. Various changes occur in the ovaries and uterus during the first weeks of pregnancy. Women who are pregnant may experience a variety of symptoms from the first week to the last week of pregnancy.


     Symptoms, which can be easily understood and occur in the first few weeks of pregnancy, may have different effects in later periods. The effects of these symptoms depend on maternal and infant health. At the same time, the body of every pregnant woman is different. For this reason, they may show various symptoms with different or varying severity.


     Symptoms that occur in the first two months are usually accompanied by hormonal changes in the body. Because it is important that some hormones are secreted from the body in order for the egg to be fertilized in the uterus and become a baby. Special hormones called HCG, estrogen and progesterone fulfill many functions in the mother's body until the moment of birth. The secretion of hormones different from normal causes stimulation of various psychological and physiological symptoms.


     The Most Prominent Pregnancy Symptoms


     Since each body structure is different, the differences in these symptoms and their severity can be mild or severe. However, it is generally as follows:

    Menstrual Delay,

    Chest Sensitivity,


    Dizziness and tiredness,


    -Odor sensitivity,

    Swelling in the stomach, groin, waist and back pain,

    Blisters and discoloration on the nipples.


     Especially in the first few weeks of conception, various changes occur in the egg and uterus. First of all, the implantation period begins, which is the first stage of pregnancy, and the first symptoms appear during the implantation period. However, women are unaware that it causes pregnancy symptoms until they experience a delayed menstrual period during pregnancy. Often the first way women find out they are pregnant is to have a home pregnancy test.


     Symptoms Experienced in the First Months of the Pregnancy Process


     It can be determined by interviewing the doctor, performing the necessary tests and determining whether the symptoms experienced are due to the symptoms seen during pregnancy. Having the help of a specialist to understand the symptoms of the first week of pregnancy will give you more accurate results. With the vague symptoms of pregnancy, you can understand how the first week passed.


     The first most important symptoms can be listed as menstrual delay, nausea, vomiting, headache, cramps in various regions, appetite and mood changes. You can tell that you are pregnant with home pregnancy tests. These tests are generally more reliable when done a few days or a week after your delay. Especially in the first months of pregnancy, you can learn the vitamin supplements you may need from your doctor.


     Checkups for Mother and Baby Health During Pregnancy


     Using any medication unconsciously during this period can adversely affect the course of pregnancy. This is an emotional time. You can experience all kinds of physical and mental signs and sensations of pregnancy. There is also a situation of craving for various foods. The most common complaint in the first week of pregnancy is the feeling of fatigue.


     The body is constantly working so that the baby can complete its healthy development. Changes in blood sugar and blood pressure measurements can invite fatigue. Your breasts are more sensitive during this process. Most women feel that negative symptoms such as nausea, weakness, and mood instability subside after the first three weeks of pregnancy.

    Experiencing vaginal discharge,

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