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    Pregnancy Symptoms

    - Time delay. The menstrual delay is the first sign of pregnancy symptoms; however, each delay does not indicate pregnancy. The menstrual delay can be seen due to various gynecological diseases.
    - Chest pain and nipples. Hormonal changes due to pregnancy (secretion of estrogen, prolactin and progesterone hormones) can cause pain in the breasts. Since chest pain is also one of the menstrual symptoms, it is not enough to be a symptom of pregnancy.
    - Blood or discharge. After the fertilization process, vaginal bleeding may occur when the embryo is placed in the uterus. These bleedings are different from their menstrual bleeding and may indicate early pregnancy. It is useful to see a doctor for control in cases of bleeding.
    - Happiness and desire to sleep. The increase in progesterone hormone in the body causes sleep desire. For this reason, in the first 4 months of pregnancy, fatigue and sleep conditions are frequently experienced.
    -Thanks. One of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy is dizziness.
    Dizziness caused by metabolic changes is important and should be followed.
    Nausea and vomiting. Nausea and vomiting following fertilization are quite early. Nausea and vomiting can be seen in some women in the first weeks, while others may be seen after 7 weeks.
    - Don't urinate frequently. Again after the fertilization process, frequent urination status among early pregnancy symptoms is included. Especially the first month is one of the clearest signs of pregnancy.
    -The increased sensitivity of the smell. The increase in hormone secretion can lead to the discontent of the formerly pleasing odors. Sensitization to cigarettes, perfumes or fragrances increases, and is another factor that indicates pregnancy.


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