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    What should not be done in the first weeks of pregnancy? Movements to Avoid During Pregnancy ...

    The development of the baby's organs can be completed within twelve weeks of pregnancy. For this reason, the first twelve weeks during pregnancy is one of the most sensitive situations in terms of baby health. Because the first three months of pregnancy is a sensitive process that is affected by external factors. In this process, getting involved in a serious illness can cause various problems.


     For this reason, situations that may pose a danger such as x-ray or tomography should be avoided during the pregnancy process. Nutrition is important in all stages of pregnancy. Nutrition is more important, especially in the first weeks of pregnancy. Because fertilization and pregnancy can take place in this period. It is necessary to stay away from environments that may be exposed to radiation.


     You Should Not Use Any Medication Without Consulting Your Doctor


     Another important point is that you should not use any medication that your doctor does not recommend for you during pregnancy. Because you may need to consume medications such as antibiotics, nausea pills or painkillers during the pregnancy process. Your doctor can prescribe these medications in a way that will not harm you and your baby's development process. A medicine that is good for someone else when you are pregnant can cause various problems for you and your baby's health.


     In other words, drug use should not be done unconsciously. These factors are of great importance in the first weeks of pregnancy. In the first weeks of pregnancy, it is important to protect the health of the mother as well as the health of the baby. In addition, drugs with vitamin A supplements should not be taken in high amounts.


     You Should Avoid Situations That Can Threat Your Health


     Some infections can cause various abnormalities in the unborn baby, especially in the first 3 months of pregnancy. For this reason, the necessary tests should be done before pregnancy or during early pregnancy and, if possible, vaccination should be done before becoming pregnant. Common colds in the winter months do not cause many serious problems.


     If deemed necessary, necessary vaccines can be made to protect immunity. May have hepatitis B vaccination In order to protect the health of mother and baby, chemicals should be avoided as much as possible during pregnancy. During cleaning for hygiene, substances such as bleach, alcohol should not be touched and should not be used for creams applied to the skin for epilation.


     You Should Switch to a More Natural Diet


     During pregnancy, hair dye should be suspended, especially from the first weeks of pregnancy to be avoided. From the first weeks of pregnancy until the last moment, ready-to-eat foods containing shelf life and additives should not be consumed. Since these foods contain nitrates, they can adversely affect health. Harmful substances such as cigarettes and alcohol should be avoided and care should be taken to drink plenty of water.

    In order to achieve adequate and balanced nutrition, fruit and vegetable consumption should be given great importance. Places that may be exposed to extreme heat and extreme cold should be avoided. The high amount of caffeine in coffee is very harmful for pregnant women. For this reason, it can be ensured to be drunk in limited quantities without overdoing it. The fact that women who are in the process of pregnancy eat too much does not mean that it is a healthy thing.


     The First Weeks Are of Great Importance for Pregnant Women


     Excessive nutrition can cause more than normal weight gain. This situation can threaten the health of the mother and baby. Adequate and balanced diet will be the healthiest. Pregnant women should not exercise without consulting professionals. Activities such as walking or swimming can help pregnant women sleep better, build flexibility and resistance. During pregnancy, the mother should avoid meals containing too much sugar and sweet foods. You should stay away from situations that will increase the frequency of your nausea. As your pregnancy progresses, your daily activities such as sitting and standing may become more difficult. To cope with fatigue, you should remember to take short but frequent breaks. Rest is very important during pregnancy. However, the walks you do without forcing yourself can be good for you and your baby.

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