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    What to Do to Avoid Pregnancy? What Are Herbal Methods To Avoid Pregnancy After Intercourse?

    It is very important for expectant mothers and fathers to be ready to have a baby. A planned pregnancy is the topic that makes the expectant mother and father happy. Both physically and spiritually, the expectant mother should be ready to conceive and have a baby.


     Many responsibilities arise during pregnancy. In order for the expectant mother to experience a healthy pregnancy process, there should be a pre-planned situation. During pregnancy, hormonal changes occur in many ways of the expectant mother. Some precautions should be taken in order not to become pregnant. The methods related to not having pregnancy are highly wondered by couples.


     Points to Take into Consideration for Not Getting Pregnant


     In order not to get pregnant, care should be taken not to have intercourse during the menstrual cycle and on the days of fertilization. Apart from this, natural and known protection methods should be used.


     What to Do to Avoid Pregnancy?


     There are many contraceptive methods available to avoid getting pregnant. Precautions are taken to prevent pregnancy by protecting both the woman and the man. Among the protection methods;

    ● There is a pill method of protection. It is possible to protect it by taking birth control pills regularly every day.

    ● There is a method of protection by making monthly needles.

    ● It can be protected with a device inserted into the uterus. In order to prevent pregnancy, a device called spiral is inserted into the uterus.

    ● There is also a method of protection by a man. It can be protected by the male using the condom method.

    ● Matchstick-sized leather capsules are placed inside the arm. These capsules eliminate the possibility of getting pregnant.

    ● In couples who do not want children anymore, it is possible to connect the ovarian tubes of women by surgery. Since the tubes are tied, the egg does not meet the male sperm cell. Thus, fertilization can be prevented.

    What Are Herbal Methods To Avoid Pregnancy After Intercourse?


     Among the methods of protection during pregnancy, it eliminates the risk of pregnancy that may occur with contraception methods such as morning-after pill, which is not applied before the intercourse as in others. There are some herbal teas that prevent pregnancy. Hibiscus plant can be given as an example of these herbal teas. Drinking hibiscus tea after intercourse reduces the risk of getting pregnant. Plants such as sage, licorice, buckthorn, periwinkle, mistletoe, wormwood and fennel prevent conception. The reason for this is that it causes contractions in the uterus, dilutes the blood and causes bleeding. When taken in large quantities, parsley causes uterine contractions. Used as a birth control herb, parsley is also a natural remedy that is effective in preventing pregnancy.

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