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    What is Pregnancy Poisoning, What are the Symptoms? Causes Poisoning During Pregnancy?

    Some expectant mothers have a very difficult time during pregnancy. While some problems experienced during pregnancy may be harmless, sometimes they create situations and cause negative consequences for the pregnant mother or baby. Pregnancy poisoning is one of the most common situations during pregnancy. Although it is a very dangerous situation, negative consequences can be prevented under the control of a doctor.


     What is Pregnancy Poisoning, What are the Symptoms?


     Pregnancy poisoning is among the common conditions experienced during pregnancy. It is a disease that affects 2/5 percent of the expectant mother who is pregnant. Preeclampsia, another name for pregnancy poisoning, can result in the death of the mother or the baby.


     Pregnancy poisoning, which has absolutely nothing to do with poisoning, occurs as a result of a condition associated with high blood pressure during pregnancy. Blood pressure disease, a serious pregnancy disease occurs with the excretion of excess protein through the urinary tract. Pregnancy poisoning occurs anytime after the 20th week of pregnancy. Among the symptoms;


    ● Visual impairment

    ● Difficulty breathing

    Stomach and abdominal pain

    ● Observing a decrease in urine output

    Swelling in the body, especially in the hands, feet and fingers

    Fast weight gain

    Fatigue and weakness

    ● Observing excessive protein in urine

    Kidney problems occurring

    ● Experiencing situations such as involuntary contractions are included.

    Causes Poisoning During Pregnancy?

    ● Insufficient blood flow in the uterus,

    ● Damage to blood vessels,

    ● a problem with the immune system,

    Genetic factors,

    Chronic blood pressure disorders

    Multiple pregnancies

    ● Mothers who gave birth to four or more

    First pregnancy

    ● It causes pregnancy poisoning in expectant mothers who are in danger of obesity.

    Situations Caused by Pregnancy Poisoning

    It can cause loss of life as a result of liver rupture, kidney failure, diffuse hemorrhage in the body and brain hemorrhage. When pregnancy intoxication affects the brain, the expectant mother is first seen with epilepsy and headache. Then a brain hemorrhage occurs. Regular control is very important to detect pregnancy poisoning that causes serious problems. In addition, care should be taken that foods consumed during pregnancy are not oily and too salty. A healthy and balanced diet while pregnant is very important during this period.

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