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    How should spouses in pregnancy process support the motherland?

    His fathers, who once had a fussy, serious, loving, but always guarding, fathers left their parents who were more sharing, more supportive of the mother and active in child care. Especially during pregnancy, many duties are on her father
           First of all, although the physical effects of the pregnancy are entirely a burden on the mother, emotional changes affect both individuals. Women who are more involved in business today may have concerns about pregnancy, fears they are trying to eat, and perhaps empty beliefs. It is not to ignore these feelings of the spouses that men have to do during such periods and to make them feel really supportive during and after the pregnancy. It can be very useful for couples to talk about changes that will happen during and immediately after pregnancy.
            It is a good time to get enough information about pregnancy, babysitting and raising children and it will be very useful for men to evaluate the opportunity in this regard. - It is important for men to be first fathers to walk with their partners to this new process, to participate in checks during pregnancy, if possible, and to ask the doctor questions.
            Participation in shopping for baby gifts, helping to prepare the baby's room, and sharing ideas on the baby's name make it possible for the father to feel more involved in the process.

             Pregnancy is a serious burden for the woman in the physical sense. If the mother is working at the same time, it may be necessary for her father to help with housework and maybe even share a positive affair with the husband. Speaking from the front to prevent the housework from being completely destroyed in the post-natal period also prevents many difficulties that couples can live after. Emotional vulnerability of pregnant women is a process in which the strase becomes more open due to both physical and hormonal changes. In this new era for men, communication channels between the spouses will be as clear as they can be, and will prevent tensions that can lead to understanding, supportive and reassuring behavior by your father's husband. It should not be forgotten that fear and concern are not discussed, which leads to greater problems.
             The antennas should be fed more carefully during pregnancy. Healthy eating is very important in this period. It is also advisable to exercise in the direction of the doctor's advice. The fact that Erke has active participation in these matters with his wife makes it easier for the woman in pregnancy. This process and birth is easier for women who adapt to the changes they experience throughout their pregnancy. Any changes that occur during pregnancy will prepare the woman to breed.

               Birth alone is one of the great turning points of life. In this important event there are many issues that men can make a difference. Choosing where to place the birth, ensuring the comfort of the mother during the birth process, and being able to get to the hospital quickly when necessary, prevents many complications. Sometimes it can be a great source of trust for the mother, even if she is just there, and she can positively influence her birth experience.
               Relaxing the pregnant woman by being at your mother's side and actively participating in these important decisions with the doctor during the birth process reduces the difficulties that couples may experience. Spouses should talk to each other before joining or not to participate in birth, and then be treated according to the recommendation of the doctor.
               Pregnancy and childbirth are a unique time of life as well as all the changes and challenges. Wives walking this way together will reduce both negativity and will transform all these events into memories that will be remembered for life.


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