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Işşıl Hamile Dünyası
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    One of the most important and special moments in a woman's life are felt in pregnancy. From the moment they learn the baby will have all kinds of thoughts and feelings that occur in the head is called the pregnant psychology.

    Mother frenzy because hormonal changes during this period that starts from the moment they found out they were pregnant. Thus, both beautiful and annoying feelings begin to emerge all sorts of worries.

    For the development of the baby in the womb of the mother should be ready for a baby in the psychological sense. One out of every ten pregnant women in the US According to the research on depression. Pregnant psychology, every woman is different in some way affects others may be struck out if not overly cheerful as extreme unhappiness. Some people do the same for every human being as well as a huge gorse happiness into their lives for a moment, is not available. There are millions of people in the world we live in, this pregnancy that every woman has different feelings for people's living conditions, being able to be the same with each other.

    Pregnancy feeling, knowing that at any moment something inside that slowly grow and to wake up with her every day life again. During this period, mothers, wives and relatives met by understanding and mother must keep away from stress. Stress considerably affect both the marriage and the baby's development. Psychological pressures because their mother lived in fear, it should be assisted by an expert according to the seriousness of the situation when you feel anxiety and insecurity. Outside the mother's feelings of anxiety and concern among the factors affecting the psychology of this period it has also seen a change in the physical. Seeing the growing belly of a mother herself with the thought that the ugly can feel under stress. Every emotion is for the people, but the best feeling in the world than coming up with the idea to start preparing to have a baby a good life for him can not be perfect. Everyone but her mother can not ask everyone to be truly the mother, so we need to become aware that feelings of motherhood is the most important feeling in our life.

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