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    How to Do Home Pregnancy Test? How Many Days Is Home Pregnancy Test Determined, Is It Right?

    After sexual intercourse of a healthy couple, the sperm of the man to the female uterus fertilize the woman's egg and the embryo is formed. This embryo goes through a certain process and settles in the expectant mother's womb. And if the expected menstrual period is delayed, expectant mothers want to get the good news of the baby by having a pregnancy test. There are a variety of these pregnancy tests.


     What are the Types of Pregnancy Tests?

    -First, the most preferred are stick tests that can be done at home when the menstrual period is delayed.

    It is a urine test that can be done in a health institution.

    It is the safest blood test that can be done in a health institution.

    When to Take a Pregnancy Test:


     Couples who want to have children are constantly excited after making this decision. So when should a pregnancy test be done? First of all, it will be correct to take a pregnancy test when your menstrual date is delayed. But now the early pregnancy tests produced can show whether you are pregnant up to 10 days before your expected menstrual date. When it is learned earlier, women can start to pay attention to the situations that they should pay attention to while pregnant. For example, giving up bad habits, not lifting heavy. This will allow you to take precautions before the problems that may occur during pregnancy and to have a healthier pregnancy period. All of these are the basis for taking more correct steps during pregnancy.


     Apart from these, your delayed menstrual date; If you are accompanied by nausea, dizziness, the desire to sleep too much, frequent urination, fatigue, weakness, sensitivity to smells and heavy breasts, you should definitely have a pregnancy test.


     How to Do Home Pregnancy Test?


     There are rod pregnancy tests that expectant mothers can buy from pharmacies when their menstrual dates are delayed. These tests are carried out by dropping a few drops of the first urine on waking up into the required compartment of the stick. Approximately 5-10 minutes are waited after the urine is dropped. If there is only 1 red line on the bar, the result is negative. You are not pregnant. However, if the rod detects the Beta Hcg hormone secreted by the pregnancy hormone and a double red line is formed on it, pregnancy has started. However, when you get this result, you should also give a blood test to a healthcare institution. You can have these pregnancy stick tests from the pharmacy or you can order them online.


     How many days will the home pregnancy test be determined?


     You will take urine and blood tests that you will have at other health institutions in a few days, depending on the density of the health institutions. However, you can only get the results of the rod pregnancy tests you get from the pharmacy at home.

    You can learn in minutes. To be sure, you can take multiple rod pregnancy tests and repeat for several days in a row.


     Is Home Pregnancy Test Accurate?


     According to researches, home pregnancy tests; It gave 90% correct results. However, blood and urine tests to be performed in health institutions have always been more reliable. At the same time, studies have shown that while negative rod pregnancy tests have higher falsehood rates, positive results have higher accuracy rates. In other words, if the mother-to-be who wants to become pregnant has a negative result from the stick pregnancy test she has done at home and her symptoms persist, she should either repeat the stick tests in the days ahead or have the pregnancy checked in the urine or blood in the relevant departments of the hospitals.


     Apart from these, it is also a matter of curiosity for women whether the drugs that are actively used will affect the result of the pregnancy strip we make at home. If you are using drugs containing the pregnancy hormone HCG, yes, this result may be wrong. But other than these, any pain relief etc. If you are taking medication such as these will not affect the results of your stick tests. Another situation that will cause the test to be wrong is that you should perform the pregnancy test at home much earlier than the date it should be done.

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