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    Correct Known Mistakes About Early Birth

    The first spilled sentence from the mouth of the couples waiting for a baby is ilk health is born! Çift. Indeed, the baby's healthy birth is the first and most important request. However, in order to have a baby like a nur ball, first of all, a process of 9 months in the womb needs to be completed.

    He stated that they had defined the termination of pregnancy before and after the 20th week as early as before, and the following: sonra Preterm delivery is important. Today, approximately 13 of every hundred births are given premature birth. 80 percent of the first 28 days after birth in the womb and the birth of the baby is the cause of premature birth.

    Nowadays, the use of in vitro fertilization and multiple pregnancies have resulted in increased birth rates. For this reason, it is very important that expectant mothers are aware of the risks of premature birth. 13 million premature babies are born each year in the world, and these premature births bring many factors such as respiratory, intracranial hemorrhages, loss of vision, intelligence and motor function disorders and intestinal problems that risk the health of the baby. Uy What are the commonly known mistakes in society? Verifies and verifies with collected information 

    Truths and wrongs

    1. False: Vaginal ultrasound causes miscarriage and premature labor
    Vaginal ultrasound is a method used for this purpose which gives more detailed and enlightening information about pregnancy. Especially in the diagnosis of premature birth is very useful in measuring the length and openness of the cervix. However, the end of the ultrasound device called the probe is placed in the vagina, so it has nothing to do with the uterus, where the child is placed. After all; It is the most important and reliable method for the diagnosis of miscarriage and preterm labor.

    2. Wrong: Constantly preventing birth
    In the event of premature birth threat, it is recommended that the patient reduce his physical activation, but this does not mean that he should stay in bed or stay up and go to bed continuously. On the contrary, constant inactivity can cause coagulation problems. In addition, as all scientific institutions agree, the effect of continuous bed rest in preventing premature birth is highly controversial. In this period of time to do sports, avoiding heavy work and physical activation to live a more peaceful life ası

    3. Wrong: Cervical suture is the definitive treatment of preterm birth
    The sutures placed in the cervix are useful only in preventing cervical insufficiency or premature birth in people with an anatomical problem in the cervix. Preterm labor has many different causes and the sutures placed in the cervix are not effective in all of them.

    4. Wrong: Teething causes premature labor
    Dental and gum problems that develop during pregnancy can lead to premature labor if they are not treated. For this reason, it is best to expect the expectant mothers to be in control of the dentist as well as general controls before pregnancy. Dental problems during pregnancy should be treated in the most appropriate way with the control of your doctor.

    5. Misin: Use of antibiotics causes premature labor
    Drugs are useful chemicals in place and when used appropriately. If you use antibiotics during pregnancy, it provides many benefits when used at the appropriate dose and time. For example, genital and urinary tract infections during pregnancy can be a cause of premature labor if they are not treated with appropriate antibiotics and drugs. Therefore, all medications used in pregnancy should be used under the control of your doctor.

    6. Wrong: Early childbirth begins with pain
    There are some markers that show that labor has begun, and pain is the most important of all, and every birth does not begin with pain. The arrival of the baby's water is also a sign of birth and painless. There can also be bleeding, and this may indicate that the action has begun, but this may not be accompanied by pain. In the case of cervical insufficiency, premature birth is painless and only a feeling of pressure occurs.

    7. Wrong: Needles used to prevent premature birth are more effective than pills
    In order to stop premature labor, the drugs used according to the cause of the action and the week of pregnancy may be different. The form of the drugs used does not alter their efficacy or they are not superior to each other. Depending on the situation, they have the same effect in stopping the labor in different forms.

    8. Wrong: Food and beverages are not associated with premature birth
    Nutrition during pregnancy is important for both mother and baby to be healthy. However, it is also important for the continuation of the health of the pregnancy. Caffeine in cigarettes, tea and coffee can cause contractions in the uterus. Some of the herbal teas are also very useful; Plants such as island tea, mistletoe, mugwort, fennel, aloe vera, basil, ginseng, oregano, licorice, and palm are more and more able to do the same when taken continuously.
    Some foods may cause premature birth because of some microbes that they may carry, causing intestinal activity, diarrhea or uterine contractions. Such as undercooked meat and eggs, offal, shellfish, pasteurized milk and dairy products. For this reason, it is very important that you follow the recommendations of your doctor about the foods and beverages taken during pregnancy.

    9. Wrong: Sexual intercourse during pregnancy causes premature birth
    Sexual intercourse during pregnancy, the mother feels comfortable and that there is no problem in pregnancy unless there is a problem. If a risk arises only in pregnancy, your doctor may restrict sexual intercourse if necessary. In addition, sexual intercourse is not the cause of preterm birth, but if there is a risk of premature birth, sexual intercourse can be restricted as well as limiting other physical activities to a certain time.

    10. Wrong: Journey leads to premature birth
    During pregnancy, you can travel by normal public transport. Traveling until later weeks of pregnancy does not create a problem. Due to the high likelihood of possible birth after 34 weeks, long journeys are not recommended due to the possibility of starting birth in an unexpected time and environment. In addition, if you have early birth markers, your doctor may restrict you to travel. This restriction is made when there is a risk and made to reduce physical activation. As long as there is no major accident or injury, the journey alone is not considered as a cause of premature birth.

    Pay attention to risk factors!
    Mothers who have the greatest risk for preterm birth are those who have a history of premature birth, multiple pregnancies, those with more water. Other factors are as follows;

    • Chronic diseases of mother (especially high blood pressure)
    • Genital tract infections
    • Urinary tract infections
    • Dental diseases and infections
    • Smoking, alcohol, drug use, excessive caffeine intake
    • Uterine deformities
    • Cervical insufficiency
    • Inadequate / unhealthy nutrition etc.

    The way to prevent preterm birth is to ignore the doctor's checks from the first days of pregnancy. In this period, your lifestyle, your diet, the medication used in cooperation with your doctor to travel is very important in the prevention and treatment of this situation.


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