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    What are Low Symptoms?

     The most important symptom of low symptoms is bleeding. Any blood coming from pregnancy should be looked at with low threat. However, this does not mean that every bleeding will result in abortion. except for bleeding, the low indication can manifest itself in different ways. If you do not know how to understand the low symptoms and the low risk, we recommend that you carefully read the information below.

     Low causes

    The most common miscarriage is a chromosome mismatch. There are 23 sets of chromosomes in both the male and female bodies, which are low if one of them does not work properly.

    Immunological Disorders

    This can happen when your mother's body attacks any foreign body (including sperm) and sometimes the sperm stuck to the egg, even if these antibodies attack the egg.

    Inadequate cervix

    An inadequate cervix means that your mother's cervix is ​​so weak that it can not hold a growing baby. When the cervix is ​​not strong, the chances of holding the baby are very low.

    Cigarettes and alcohol

    Nicotine in the cigarette causes the blood flow to the fetus to decrease. Abandoning these habits reduces the chances of abortion.

    Hormonal imbalance

    Factors such as elevated estrogen levels, lower progesterone levels, high prolactin and hormonal imbalances such as luteal phase defects are directly proportional to abortion.

    Polycystic over syndrome

    PCOS is basically insulin resistance and elevates the body's blood sugar levels, estrogen and testosterone, while significantly reducing progesterone levels. Surveys have proven that women with insulin resistance are 4-5 times more likely to have a low likelihood.

    Radiated environment

    The environment in which the mother is present may be caused by excessive radiation or harmful human health.

    What is a low indication?

    Vaginal bleeding is one of the most prominent features of low symptoms. However, there are many other symptoms. If you are wondering how the low risk develops, what the low claims are, here are the answers ...

    Vaginal bleeding

    Vaginal bleeding is among the most prominent indications of fall. Every bleeding in the pregnancy is considered as a low threat. However, every bleeding may not bring the fallen fruit.

    The vast majority of vaginal bleeding falls in violent form. If a severe abdominal pain starts to occur with the bleeding and the pieces of meat fall, this condition is generally considered to be low. When these symptoms are experienced, it is recommended to refer to the nearest hospital.


    It is thought that the stains that appear in the pregnancy tend to occur as a result of hormonal changes. However, it is advisable to consult a specialist if it feels pinkish and an increasing bleeding.

    Waist and back pain

    The people who suffer from menstruation are more or less dominant in pain during this period. Waist and back pain that occurs at a low level are similar pain. If the pain comes on a regular basis every 15-20 minutes and it is painful enough to cause your life to fall on your hands, you should urgently see your doctor.


    It is located between the waist and back pain and cramps in the vagina and low marks in the pain. If you develop pain in the vagina and spread to the back and hip region, you may have a low risk of having a low risk.

    fired Up

    If it is added to the symptoms such as hemorrhage, fever, nausea and vomiting, then this is the most important statement of the fallen.

    Fall related correctly known mistakes
      It is a rare case, where came from me and found me: Wrong
    Every 7 pregnancies result in abortion. Early pregnancy losses are also higher. Treatment methods such as in vitro fertilization are 20 percent lower in pregnant women.
     • Vaginal examination in the first few months, vaginal ultrasonography may cause a drop: Incorrect
    Early pregnancies can only be evaluated by vaginal ultrasonography. This is necessary to determine whether the pregnancy is normal and to exclude the external pregnancy. As you fear, there is no risk and it does not cause a fall.

     • I did not miscarry, my baby died in my stomach: Wrong
    Baby's heart rate is also low. It does not matter whether it is bleeding or not. The important thing is that your pregnancy continues to grow and your heart beats. If there is no bleeding, the gestational sac is growing, and if the baby's heartbeat is not heard, it is called low.

     • I was very tired, I did work, was low: Wrong
    There was no correlation between physical activity and low risk. Traveling, doing business, getting tired does not increase low risk. The low cause is more a problem in the embryo. Chromosome disorders are the most common cause of falls. The problematic embryo that occurs is aborted by natural selection. If an embryo with a chromosomal abnormality continues to grow, pregnancy can result in the birth of an anomaly baby.

     • Blood disagreement causes a drop: Incorrect
    Blood disagreement between man and woman does not cause a decrease.

     • Bed rest avoids falling: Incorrect
    It has not been shown that bed rest prevents falling except in exceptional circumstances. When opened in the mouth of the cervix, the risk of miscarriage and premature birth increases. It is appropriate for these geese to rest. This may cause more falls after the third month of pregnancy and recurrent pregnancy losses may occur.

     • Post-abortion abortion is risky, reducing the chances of getting pregnant later: Incorrect
    If there is a part remaining in the uterus after pregnancy has been impaired, it should be cleaned. This can only be done with an abortion. Otherwise, pregnancy residues in the uterus may cause bleeding and infection. However, abortions in pregnancies older than 10-12 weeks are risky and may negatively affect the subsequent pregnancy process.

     • It is necessary to wait 6 months to get pregnant again after a short time:
    After doing low, the person may become pregnant when she feels she is ready for a new pregnancy. There is no need to wait for a certain time for this.

     • The lower the risk, the less the risk if I make an IV baby: False
    Assisted reproductive techniques - a low risk of pregnancy with the IVF method is higher than the spontaneous pregnancies. In vitro fertilization does not reduce low risk. However, if some chromosome problems are caused by abortions, the preimplantation genetic diagnosis to do this may reduce the low risk. In this case, embryo-derived biopsy is used to determine healthy embryos and the rate of live birth can be increased by placing it in the uterus.

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