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    Recommendations for Working Mothers

    Largest Bond "trust environment"

    The relationship between the mother and her baby first begins in the mother's womb. The first thing he hears is the sound of his mother's heart. This is the first place he sees, and naturally this is the safest place for the baby. The first place he touched is his mother's abdomen. The baby is born with the consciousness that he is the mother of the foundation and one reality of his existence. The reason she calm down after the birth of her mother is, of course, the comfort that her acquaintance gives her the only time she can survive. This trust established in pregnancy and birth will accompany the child and mother throughout life. When communication is established correctly by touching or talking, the baby understands that he is loved, desired and valued, and the feeling of trust is strengthened. The perception of being safe helps the child explore the physical and social world. The child who knows that he is safe will be safe, he deems himself valuable and he grows up as an individual advancing on his way to life from infancy. There will be occasional short-term divisions within this development cycle. One of the short separations is the time of mother's return to work.

    What Should Mother Do

    It is important for both the country's economy and marriages to stay healthy, as well as for the mother's mental health. When the mother does not work, especially when she leaves her job for the child, there is an increased risk of raising a child who is concerned about separation. When she has no job other than her child, her sole concern is child. In this case, the mother can not share the same things with the child. This expansiveness expands as father, family elders, friends, school. As a result, a mother-child relationship starts from the side of the mother and complains about it, but in a sense it is happy. The child is often unnoticed until he begins to harm his education and relationships. Children are selfish. This is a feature of childhood. Therefore they want their requests to be immediately. Balancing them is the duty of adults to put limits. When they notice the weaknesses of adults, they force the boundaries. Children need their mothers but this period does not cover the whole life at least in many ways.

    •  To really break up with him when he's with him, ona I'm going to work, I have to work. But when I come in the evening I'll come and we'll play nice with you di and when the evening comes, he really needs to keep the promise and spend quality time with him.
    •   If the mother cries and cries with her as a child cries, the child also continues to cry and the separation becomes more difficult.
    •  Mother should listen to her child.
    •  Some mothers leave the child and run away as if he were away. The child who thinks that your mother won't come back can be worried.
    •  Mother, if the child cries back and cries with her, of course, the child continues to cry.
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