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    These foods increase breast milk!

    Water, essential nutrients that increase breast milk
    The main nutrients to be consumed to increase the amount of breast milk. 87 percent of breast milk is water. Breastfeeding mothers need to consume more water than their normal requirements in this process. The amount of water that a 60-pound person should consume daily is about 2 liters, and this number increases to 3-3.5 liters in nursing mothers. 2- 2,5 liters of this requirement can be supplied from pure water, while the remaining portion can be supplied from unsweetened compote, herbal tea and ayran. In order to prevent unnecessary weight gain, there is no need to add sugar to the composts.

    Recommendation: Contrary to what is known among the people, sugar and sugary foods do not increase the amount of milk. During each breastfeeding, you can use 1 to 1.5 cups of water to provide sufficient fluid intake and increase the amount of milk.

    Oat; accelerates the progression of the milk in the channels.
    Recent studies have shown that in the case of iron deficiency in the mother milk production is also falling. Oat is a good source of iron, also stimulates the release of oxytocin hormone, which allows the milk to progress through the nipple with its relaxing effect. Therefore, the progression of milk through the channels is accelerating.

    Recommendation: You can enrich your breakfast with oats, or you can use oatmeal or milk.

    Carrot is developing milk channels
    It contains phytoestrogen, an herbal chemical that acts like estrogen, supporting the healthy development of breast tissue and milk formation. Phytoestrogen increases milk production. Estrogen hormone is developing milk channels in breast tissue. In addition, carrots are a good source of beta-carotene and meet the growing need for beta-carotene in the breast-feeding process.

    Recommendation: Add 1 carrot per day to your salads. Studies show that the children of mothers who consume carrots during breastfeeding are more likely to consume carrots later on.

    Fennel increases milk fat content
    Because of its phytoestrogens, it acts as an estrogen-like function to increase the amount of milk and fat content of milk. The fennel also passes through the breast milk to the baby to avoid digestion and indigestion problems.

    Recommendation: Eat fennel tea instead of tea and do not add sugar. You can increase the amount of milk by consuming 2-3 cups of fennel tea per day.

    Barley increases milk release
    Some studies with animals show that polysaccharide in barley increases the amount of prolactin in the mother. Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates the release of milk from the milk secreting cells in the breast.

    Recommendation: To benefit from this effect of barley malt drinks obtained by the germination of malt drinks can be consumed 1 day.

    Legumes improve milk quality
    Legumes, which are a good source of iron, increase the amount and quality of milk. Especially if the breastfeeding mother is a vegetarian, this diet should be included in the diet. However, from time to time, the mother can cause gas problems, these foods, the baby can cause similar problems.

    Recommendation: If these foods do not cause you gas problems, you can eat beans, red beans and kidney beans 2-3 times a week in meals.

    Dark green leafy vegetables increase milk

    Spinach, dark green leafy vegetables such as black cabbage contains the amount of milk with phytoestrogens increases. In addition, these vegetables are rich in calcium, iron, folate and vitamins A, and they contribute to the quality of milk.

    Recommendation: You can include dark green leafy vegetables in your salads or as a vegetable meal.

    Garlic makes the baby suck more

    Studies show that if the mother considers garlic before breast feeding, the babies are more active and absorb more. It is possible to say that garlic increases the amount of milk since the main factor that increases the breast milk is that the baby actively absorbs the mother. However, it can cause gas formation and digestion problems in infants.

    Recommendation: When you are breastfeeding, start with a small amount of garlic and add to your meals and observe your baby's reactions. If you do not have problems such as gas or indigestion, you can consume 1-2 teeth during the day or if you have difficulty eating, you can get garlic capsule.

    Walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds contain rich oils

    Oil seeds such as walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds should be included in the diet of nursing mothers. These seeds are important in increasing the quality of milk because they are rich in oils which cannot be synthesized by our body and must be taken from outside. In addition, some amino acids in the content of oil seeds are involved in the formation of milk and milk for the formation of the amount and quality of milk plays a role in increasing.

    Recommendation: Since these oily seeds contain high calories, 3-4 full walnuts and 10-12 raw almonds

    Sesame, contains high calcium
    It has the feature of increasing the amount of milk due to its high calcium content and estrogen hormone.

    Recommendation: Sesame seeds can be consumed by adding 1-2 teaspoons a day.


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