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    When can I learn the sex of my baby?

    Before ultrasonography, the baby could not learn the sex of the mother and father until the baby was born. Different gender identification methods were developed among the public to learn. Do you wonder what is spoken among the people to estimate the gender of your baby?


    Here are said and said:

    During the pregnancy, she gives birth to sour. Ayşe (girl)
    If you give bread to a pregnant woman, if you prefer to eat the middle of your bread, your daughter will be the son if you eat the edges.
    In pregnancy, if the left breast of the woman is bigger than the right, the daughter will be the son, otherwise the son will be the opposite.
    The thin gold chain with the wedding ring on the end is hanging on the hunt or abdomen of the mother's candidate, if the ring is drawing round the baby boy is the girl if it swings back and forth.

                The baby's gender is certain from the time of the pregnancy

                Fortunately today, ultrasonography examination is performed to understand fetus sex during pregnancy. The gender of the baby is certain from the time of the pregnancy, but it takes a certain time for it to be visible from the outside by looking at the ultrasonography. With ultrasonography the gender of the infants can be understood at the end of the third month, ie around 13-15 weeks. However, sometimes gender in these weeks may not be followed clearly. In this case, 16-17. It is clearer in weeks. Of course, the important thing for the family is that the baby is healthy primarily, but the sex is also important for the excited families during the preparation phase. As a result, what color will be your baby room, clothes, birth room? What color will baby be given birth sugar? Will the ejaculate be pink or blue? The sooner these pleasant and beautiful preparations are started, the better. They are small for humanity but great details for the family.

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