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    Factors that prevent being father

    Among the problems that occur in the male sperm draws attention. Among the problems that prevent the dream of being a father, especially the lack of sperm is the most obvious and known problem.

    We all know and hear that there are scientific studies that the sperm cell will disappear completely in the next 50 years. So, why is this situation caused?


    Y Chromosome
    Y chromosome responsible for sperm production. However, some males may have deficiencies on the Y chromosome. As such, the genes that produce reproduction are also deleted. Deleted genes, means the spoilage of the sperm production mechanism.

    The testicles are in a bag outside the body. The reason is that body temperature adversely affects sperm production. However, in some cases, the testes do not go into the bag; in the groin, abdomen and abdomen.

    If the testicles stay in the body for a long time, they can cause sperm to be produced due to the temperature they are exposed to. It is very important that this condition, which is called as undescended testis, is noticed and resolved in the first year of the baby. Because otherwise, sperm production can deteriorate.

    If varicocele is formed
    Varicose veins are a problem in the veins. The conversion of the veins in the testis into varicocele called varicocele is also one of the reasons that negatively affect the reproduction.

    Heat in the male egg leads to heat and pressure movement in the testis due to the inability to remove waste that could damage the testicles. One of the consequences of this situation; decreased sperm motility. The rate of fertilization of sperm decreases in mobility decreases.

    If congestion
    Although the testicles can produce normal sperm, in some men, obstructions are seen in the channels carrying these sperm. These blockages can be opened by surgical methods.

    Drug use
    Stomach ulcers, drugs used in the treatment of gastritis for a long time or depression treatment drugs are among the factors that reduce sperm. However, the negative effects can be improved by reducing the amount and evaluating the different drug options.

    At the same time, the use of steroid hormone-derived drugs and substances for male bodybuilding causes uncontrolled sperm growth to stop.


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